

Welcome to Mi & Mi Active!

We exist to change the way we sit & how we work.

Our sweet spot: Productivity enhancement via Flow state triggering.  Ergonomic active sitting is what we do. When you are ready to lean into your work, check us out.

We take the stairs instead of the elevator, we walk instead of drive. When given the choice between easy and challenging, we choose the challenge because easy is boring. With great challenge comes great satisfaction. Using the Flowseat is not the easy path, it takes discipline and time to develop the muscle tone. But the satisfaction of increased energy and productivity is well worth the effort.

Be in the Flow with the Flowseat

 We use renewable resources whenever we can, and believe in the highest possible quality.

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What People Say

I really like the experience. The movement and the positioning are great for my balance, core strength and mental attention while I spend hours on end in front of the screen.
Jordan G

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